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Get Involved

Mavoi Satum is always looking for volunteers, and they are key supporters in the organization’s work.

We are looking for volunteers in the following areas

Shani Tal tells of her experiences volunteering:

I volunteered with Mavoi Satum for six months and it was one of my most enjoyable experiences that helped me to grow as a person! I learned a great deal about the issues that women deal with when refused a "Get" (and it is far more relevant to all of us than people think). Volunteering also gives a feeling of great satisfaction and worth. It also provided me with many tools that I am able to use now, such as standing in front of an audience, marketing myself, working with large institutions, research skills, and more. Mavoi Satum offers the opportunity for initiative and many options for a variety of experiences and, above all, a warm group of people that it's fun to be a part of.

Any ideas for volunteering
not mentioned here?

We’d love to hear from you!
We always need help and are open to trying new ventures.