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Women’s Empowerment Programs

Mavoi Satum offers a range of empowerment programs and seminars for agunot and mesurevot get.

The dates and frequency of the programs change from year to year. If you are interested in registering for one of these programs, please be in contact here.


Communication and Public Speaking Course for Women
The Speak Up Program aims to give participants the tools and ability to express themselves and tell their story more effectively in public and in the media. Participants will learn about the different ways to get their message across in different forms of media, to express themselves clearly and firmly, to advance public support for their cause and promote social change on behalf of all agunot and mesurevot get.

Economic Empowerment

For many women undergoing divorce and experiencing get refusal, economic challenges often feel insurmountable. This program helps women acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to find employment, effectively manage a domestic budget, and achieve economic self-confidence and independence.
Sessions include learning how to write a resume and how to conduct oneself in an interview; how to create and maintain a balanced budget.  A personal counselor helps each woman establish the goals best suited to her own unique situation and needs.

Women’s Self Defense Course

Divorce denial is  a continued form of domestic control and abuse and often reflects damaging behaviors experienced within the relationship. Standing up to their abusers and breaking away from these destructive relationships can be incredibly difficult for many women. This course includes developing self-defense skills, boundary-setting and assertiveness training.

Women’s Support Group

Women leaving a marriage often struggle alone through this difficult time, many without social support and in some cases without familial support. The Dynamic Women’s support as they a group facilitated by social workers that aims to create a community of women, all of whom face struggles as agunot or as women whom have been denied a gett that provide mutual support and self-empowerment. The group addresses the daily struggles of these women – including self-image, single-parenting, life in the shadow of domestic violence, and similar challenges.